Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities
The Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) scheme provides funding for research infrastructure, equipment and facilities to eligible organisations.
The scheme enables higher education researchers to participate in cooperative initiatives so that expensive infrastructure, equipment and facilities can be shared between higher education organisations and also with industry.
Under the scheme, applicants may seek funding for:
- infrastructure, equipment and facility purchases, construction and installation
- salaries directly associated with creating and installing infrastructure, equipment or facilities
- consortium membership costs, in the case of Australia’s participation in the use of significant international-scale or national research facilities
- specialised computing/data facilities and software
- compilations, catalogues, clearing houses or bibliographies.
LIEF grants support large-scale expensive research infrastructure, with the minimum level of funding provided by ARC being $150,000 and up to a maximum of 75% of eligible budget items.
LIEF proposals must have a duration of one year except for construction of research infrastructure or subscription/access to international facilities and major national facilities for up to 5 consecutive years.
The funding rules for 2020 have not yet been released. LIEF 2019 funding rules can be found here which can act as a guide pending release of the 2020 funding rules.
LIEF funding proposals expressions of interest
To prevent duplication of requests and existing equipment/facilities and to ensure alignment of investment with Curtin Research Strategy, all LIEF funding proposals are required to submit an Expression of Interest where there is any Curtin funding contribution/a Curtin CI.
Where a proposal requests funding support from the Research Office, the Research Office at Curtin will support:
- Up to 70% of Curtin contributions for WA Strategic proposals hosted at Curtin
- Up to 50% of Curtin contributions for WA Strategic proposals not hosted at Curtin
- Up to 50% for of Curtin contributions for researcher led proposals hosted at Curtin
Researcher led proposals that are not hosted at Curtin will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
WA Strategic LIEF proposal are targeted to meet the emerging research infrastructure needs of WA and will involve a large number of partners and/or potential users.
Researcher led proposals are seeking funding for an equipment that is critical in contributing to the objectives of Curtin University, be supported by relevant Faculty and involve multiple partners and/or potential users.
Expression of Interest process for Research Office supported proposals
The Expression of Interest (EOI) process for LIEF proposals will facilitate strategic investment by the Research Office at Curtin in line with the Curtin Research Strategy.
The EOI requires approval from your School or Centre and Faculty. The EOI approvals are preliminary and not final approvals from your School or Centre and Faculty to submit an application.
Once your EOI is reviewed and approval by the Research Office, the application review process will continue with the ROC Relationships Team and relevant Grant Success Panel for final submission for approval to ARC.
The Research Office EOI process does not replace the process and requirements of your individual School/Centre or Faculty Grant Success Panels. You should engage early with the ROC Relationships Team to complete the EOI form and confirm support from your School or Centre and Faculty.
The EOI is not intended to be the final application and changes will be considered. The EOI is intended to provide an early and broad overview of the project, alignment to Curtin strategy, participants and budget to allow the Research Office to strategically allocate funding support.
Research Office Supported LIEF EOI Steps and Key Dates
- Engage with ROC Relationships to develop project proposal and budget.
- Engage with Properties, Facilities and Development for Curtin hosted applications.
- Seek preliminary support from funding School or Centre for the project.
- Complete the ARC LIEF 2020 EOI form and submit to Faculty Dean of Research by 30 November 2018.
- Dean of Research submits to ROC 7 December 2018.
- Outcomes advised 18 December 2018.
- Re-engage with Grants team and faculty Grants Success Panel for application submission process.
- Joint WA Universities meeting for collaborative proposals Mid-January 2019.
- Grant Success Panels application submission timeline to be confirmed.