Import Google Scholar search results into Elements
Step 1
Go to the Google Scholar website.
(Note: A Google account is required if you wish to import multiple publications as per step 3)
Step 2
Import single publications
Perform your search to display the publication records of interest, then for an individual publication that you wish to import into Elements click on the
and select ‘RefMan’ and go to Step 4.

Step 3
Import multiple publications – log-on to Google Scholar and perform your search and select the publications you wish to import and mark them as shown.

Import the selected publications to ‘My library’ and select all, or select those publications you want.

Export to ‘RefMan’.

Step 4
If you have EndNote desktop installed, it will send it to your Endnote library with one click. Otherwise go to step 4c. (If you have EndNote but have not already created an EndNote library do so by opening EndNote and going to File and selecting New.)
4 a) If there is any missing information for the publication records add it into EndNote. The more information you have in the EndNote references, the better Elements will be at matching to existing publications and reducing duplication. Making sure you have the correct DOI in the reference will help a lot. (Endnote entries can be edited by clicking on the entry and editing the entries on the right hand side of the screen).
4 b) Once you have finished importing all records into EndNote that you wish to import into Elements, export from EndNote by clicking on File and then Export. Note the file name that will be saved (default: My EndNote Library.txt) and ensure Output style is RefMan (RIS) Export, then click Save. Go to step 5.

4 c) If you do not have endnote installed, the file will be downloaded directly onto your computer or a share drive.

Note where the file is downloaded to.

4 d) Each record will be downloaded separately. They can be combined and edited in a text editor such as notepad. If they are not combined each file must be imported into Elements separately.

Step 5
In Elements click on Menu, and then under the Manage menu click on Import.

Step 6
Click on Browse and save the file exported from EndNote in step 3, then select Reference Manager/EndNote and click Upload.

If everything looks Ok and there are no errors click on Import.

The imported publications will now appear in your Elements profile.
(Professor Ian Phau’s details used with permission)