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Higher education conferences

ASCILITE 2018 (Australia)

ASCILITE is Australasia’s leading networked community fostering research, innovation and evidence-based practice in the effective use of educational technologies for learning and teaching in the tertiary sector.

Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference (UK)

The ALT Annual Conference is the UK’s main conference for Learning Technologists and one of the largest conferences of its kind. It is held over three days every September, providing a valuable and practical forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and policy-makers from education and industry to solve problems, explore, reflect, influence and learn.

Cultural Competence Conference

Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Sector: Dilemmas, Policies and Practice will bring together specialists and individuals interested in cultural competence, diversity and inclusion and Indigenous Knowledges to discuss ideas relating to the future of higher education and the role of Universities in preparing students, faculties and staff for the challenges of building a more culturally competent world.

HERDSA Conference: (Re)Valuing Higher Education (Australia)

HERDSA offers an annual international conference on topical teaching and learning issues with opportunities to meet colleagues with similar interests, exchange ideas about teaching and learning and learn about current developments from experienced researchers and practitioners. Conference proceedings are published and HERDSA meets Australian ERA requirements for refereeing. Full papers are double-blind refereed by peers and are published in a widely available format.

2 to 5 July 2018, Adelaide Convention Centre

Networked Learning Conference 2018 (Europe)

A research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development. Networked learning has become a broader area of inquiry over the years bringing together research in education and organisations spanning formal and informal learning settings. It is a conference that has been particularly concerned with critical perspectives, theory, pedagogical values, analysis, practice based research and designs for learning. The focus of the conference is research and practice that addresses relational and interactional aspects of learning and development with an emphasis on dialogical learning, collaborative and cooperative learning and learning in social networks.

Papers are double-blind refereed by peers and are published in a widely available format on the conference website. Selected papers are chosen for publication in the Springer Book Series “Research in Networked Learning”.

May 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

HEA Annual Conference (UK)

Focusing on what we can learn from higher education practices from across the world. Structured over three days, the conference will provide a platform for higher education professionals to share their experiences, ideas, research and good practice in a community of their peers and learn from internationally respected speakers.

July 2018

Improving University Teaching

The International Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT) invites you to join us for our 43rd annual forum, focused on the theme “New Spaces for Learning: Opportunities and Challenges for Innovative Teaching” and hosted by Charles Sturt University, in Port Macquarie, Australia. Conference dates are 27 to 29 June 2018.

ISSoTL Conference (International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning)

The 15th annual ISSOTL conference will explore how teaching staff, students, educational leaders, administrators and community members can collaborate to foster a learning culture.

SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education (UK)

The SRHE Annual Research Conference attracts wide participation from researchers globally. It provides a stimulating international forum for papers of an empirical or scholarly nature relating to research into higher education, in the broadest sense, and from a breadth of different disciplinary perspectives. The conference is highly participative, promoting the dissemination and exchange of ideas in a variety of formats, across a range of research domains.

24 to 27 October 2018, Bergan

STARS Conference

The STARS conference provides the opportunity to disseminate and discuss current research, good practice, emerging initiatives and leading edge ideas that are aimed at enhancing students’ tertiary learning experiences.

8 to 11 July 2018, Auckland, New Zealand

WACE Conference on Cooperative and Work Integrated Learning

WIL (Work Integrated Learning) Conference: Creating Connections, Building Futures

Interested researchers, academics, practitioners and industry partners are invited to submit papers, abstracts and posters for the Conference. Papers that involve joint authorship with students, industry and community partners are encouraged. Early career researchers and research students are also encouraged to contribute papers.

Discipline Conferences

Science, engineering and maths

AUBEA Conference: Australasian Universities Building Education Association

The annual AUBEA conference brings together building and construction researchers, educators and industry practitioners from Australasia and internationally, providing participants with a strong platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, disciplinary reflections, institutional exchange and collective growth.

HEA Annual STEM Conference 2018 (UK)

This two-day conference, featuring a mix of peer-led workshops, presentations and respected keynotes will provide a forum for each of the individual STEM disciplines as well as opportunities to learn from cross-disciplinary practice. This year’s conference theme is Creativity in Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement.

Innovation in Built Environment Education Conference

Next conference is in 2019

Health sciences

ANZAHPE 2018 Conference 

The Conference’s mixture of invited speakers, in-depth educational offerings, and important delegate opportunities for contribution and discussion, make it a “must attend” event for all in the health professional educators’ community.

1 to 4 July 2018, Hobart

Developing Excellence in Medical Education Conference (UK)

The conference aims to provide delegates with the ideas and information to improve their educational practice, and allow them to collaborate across organisational and geographic boundaries, to build greater improvements for the future.
The conference will consist of stimulating keynotes and a diverse range of parallel sessions covering the full span of current issues and initiatives in medical education and training.