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Information for Curtin researchers on the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment exercise.
The Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) is a comprehensive evaluation of the quality of the research undertaken at Australian universities, allowing for the comparison of discipline areas over time and against national and international norms. The exercise is administered by the Australian Research Council (ARC) on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. The 2023 round would have been the fourth full round of the ERA; however, it was put on hold by the ARC in 2022 pending a review of the whole process.
Previous rounds were conducted in 2018, 2015, 2012, and 2010, with the initial pilot in 2009.
Information about the ERA, including rating outcomes of previous rounds, is available on the ARC’s ERA website.
Coordination and management of the University’s ERA submission is through the Research Office at Curtin.
Allocation of four-digit 2020 Field of Research (FoR) codes to research outputs in Elements was required preparation for Curtin’s 2023 ERA submission. The Research Office at Curtin assigned preliminary FoR to most publication records with a publication date in 2011 or later. Researchers are encouraged to check that these codes are valid for your publication records.
Reviewing 2020 Field of Research Codes (287KB DOC)
Direct link to Elements login page
In 2020, the ARC conducted a comprehensive review of the ERA and EI exercises. The review and the Final Report and an Action Plan for implementing the report’s recommendations are available on the ARC’s review webpage.
To discuss ERA at Curtin, contact the Associate Deputy Vice Chancellor Research Excellence
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